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Person Writing

Helen's Headspace

I am planning to write at least three blogs which will look at different stages of my sabbatical. This first one looks at the need for sabbatical and rest, the second one will focus on the sabbatical experience itself and third one will be around life after sabbatical.

Home: Welcome

Life After Sabbatical (1)

This is where the rubber hits the road right?! After an amazing (but maybe too short!) sabbatical, it was time to get back to work and...

The Sabbatical Bit at Last!

This is my third blog and you’re probably thinking ‘at last’ she’s finally going to talk about the sabbatical itself! It’s ok, I do...

The Need

For those of you who know me, the words ‘sabbatical’, ‘time out’ and ‘rest’ have not been frequent companions in my vocabulary! So here I...

Home: Blog2

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